Brugge 25/11/2024

Esteemed guests,

On Saturday 23/11, The "Koch group from Germany (6 pers) and the Julia Walter family from the Netherlands (4 pers) lacked the common decency to show up for their confirmed table bookings.

This, for a 20seat family restaurant, is as you can understand, a giant loss of income.

As we do not want to ask a deposit by bank transfer for our foreign guests this leaves us with the following options.

As a foreign guest, you can only reserve a table at 18h00, arriving any later and your table will become available to other guests.

If, as a foreign guest, you really want to reserve a table, arriving between 18h30-19h30, you have the option to come in and physically pay a 25,00€/pers deposit in cash, before latest 12h00 the day of your booking.

You are of course, free to come at a later time and check if we still have availability. We will happily greet and serve you fantastic food.

We are not willingly reverting to these measures but hope you will understand.

Thank you,

Management 't HuisKombuis, Brugge

Domestic guests can still reserve tables between 18h30 and 19h30 but will be asked to pay a deposit of 25€ /pers into our account via an instant bank transfer.

General conditions booking fees apply, deposits will be deducted from you final bill.


Tel: +32 469 19 17 19

Alvorens te reserveren, bekijk eerst het vrijdag- en  zaterdagmenu op onze restaurant-pagina.

Please before you book, check our Friday- and Saturday menu on our restaurant-page.


honden NIET toegelaten / NO dogs allowed


Afspraken en gedragscode

Reserveren kan enkel voor vrijdag- en zaterdag-avond. Elke andere dag zijn we een free flow restaurant.

Een reservatie dient altijd door ons bevestigd te worden, controleer goed uw e-mail adres.

Aankomst tussen 18h30 & ten laatste 19h30, nadien kunnen ongeacht het voorschot de plaatsen aan andere gasten worden vrijgegeven.

Uw reservatie is pas definitief na onze bevestiging en  ontvangst van het voorschot op onze rekening. 

Bij geen of niet bevestigde reservaties behouden wij ons het recht voor om zonder voorafgaand bericht om 18u te sluiten

You can only reserve a table for a Friday and Saturday night any other day we are a free flow restaurant.

An e-mail booking always needs to be confirmed by us, please check your e-mail adress.

Arrival between 18h30 & 19h30 at the latest, any later and the reserved tables can be given to other guests.

Your booking is only final  after written confirmation and reception of the deposit into our account.

In case of no or non confirmed reservations, the restaurant might be closed without prior notice at 18hrs

Wij controleren onze mails niet constant, dus het kan soms even duren vooraleer wij antwoorden , computers en sociale media zijn voor ons een hulpmiddel en geen 'levensstijl'.

We do not check our emails every moment of the day so it might take some time before we reply, we consider computers and social media an aid and not 'a way of life'